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Annual Venerables V Heydon Ladies Match Wednesday 21st August 2024
(Vens Home) playing for the Ilyas Akhtar Trophy
Introduction - Venerables Captain Mike Phillips will provide a paragraph or two shortly
1st tee and we're off
Below - Mrs. Akhtar presented The Ilyas Akhtar Trophy to Vens captain Mike Phillips after The Venerables won the match 6-3.
Vens V Ladies Draw 2 Wed 2024-08-21.png

Annual Venerables V Heydon Ladies Match Wednesday 16th August 2023 


(Ladies Home) playing for the Ilyas Akhtar Trophy

Today the Heydon Ladies and the Venerable’s met to compete for the ILYAS AKHTAR Trophy.


This annual event is becoming one of the highlights of our calendar.


The format was 4BBB and this year we had 20 Ladies and 20 Venerable’s making 10 teams up for the fight.


The weather could not have been kinder as we commenced the battle from a two tee start.


Unfortunately for the Venerable’s this year was again another victory for the ladies winning 6 ½ - 3 ½ games therefore retaining the trophy.


It must be said, that the match was played in great spirit from both sides, and everyone enjoyed the day.


Special thanks goes to Richard Gardner for working out the handicaps and preparing the cards, not an easy task with 40 players, and to Andrew Wyatt for photography and Dave Sephton for posting on website etc.


Thanks also to Glo Carse and Mike Phillips for organising the pairings.


Last but no means least, a thank you to Mrs Akhtar for preparing the buffet and presenting her trophy to the winning Captain Trish Esplin.

Gathering before the off
A few on coures pictures
Trish celebrating gross birdie on the 7th & Gay hitting tremendous shot on the 9th
Clubhouse pics after golf
Trish presenting the days result with Ladies the winners by 6½ - 3½
Below - Mrs Akhtar presenting The Ilyas Akhtar Trophy to winning Ladies Captain Trish Esplin
More celebrations before leaving !!!

Annual Venerables V Heydon Ladies Match 24th August 2022 

(Vens Home) playing for the Ilyas Akhtar Trophy

The annual Venerables V Heydon Ladies match was blessed with warm dry (albeit a bit muggy) weather.


The 8 pairs of Venerables pitted their golfing prowess against the ladies team in, as always, a keen but good spirited competition.


This match is a much anticipated event in our calendar, borne out by the friendly social interaction that took place over our post-match repast of sandwiches and chips.


The ladies triumphed on this occasion winning the match 5 ½ - 2 ½ and received the Ilyas Akhtar Trophy, this year presented by Saleem.

Pictures, and presentation - Saleem presenting the Ilyas Akhtar Trophy to Ladies Captain Debbie Tweddle

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